Ultimate Cleanse

Contrary to my blog's title, I won't be eating much life for the next ten days. Summer is slowly, shakily, settling into place and with the change of season I've decided it's time to detox the whazoo out of myself. I want to be the cleanest, clearest person ever to indulge in summer properly. 

By the end of the next ten days I will have a body that will enjoy mangoes, cherries and passionfruits more than ever; a positive attitude that sees the brightest, lightest side of everything and everybody; an emotional stability that only has room for love and happiness; and the strongest connection to my soul, ever.

This is the plan:
1)Master Cleanse. Life on lemonade. I've undertaken the Master Cleanse once before and found that the detox is gradual, manageable. I'm expecting a few headaches, shitty moodiness. Aside from becoming really bored with juicing lemons, the only down side is waking up in the mornings, knowing that breakfast is a salt water flush.  Cravings are only bad when I'm bored, so I hope the rest of my plan will help keep me occupied :)

2) Clean one room of your house every day. "Organise the shit out of it!" as I wrote in my paper journal. I'm no feng shui expert but whenever I de-clutter, make a place for everything (and put everything in its place) and, most importantly, make my living space beautiful, I feel much more grounded and clear-headed.

3) Write down what it is you want to cleanse and what you want to make room for. I did this last night to give a focus to the next ten days. For example, a tiny same of the rambling I wrote includes, "I will cleanse my emotions of fear, to make space for enthusiasm and inspiration," and, "I will cleanse my body of toxins, addictions and blockages to make room for the healthiest cells ever, balanced brain hemispheres, clear skin and bright eyes!"

3) Write a list of everything you feel bad for doing, then forgive yourself for each one. I plan to do this in the middle of the cleanse, at my most emotionally fragile :) I'm not sure how I'll go about figuring this forgiveness thing out, something I've never completely comprehended, but I imagine it's quite important in this whole cleansing thing.

4) Write a list of everything others have done that hurt you and forgive them for each one. As above, I have no idea how to do this. I hope the answer will come during step five...

5) Meditate, meditate, meditate. I plan to do a variety of meditations, every morning and evening. Most of my time will be spent in Vipassana meditation but also practicing deep breathing techniques and visualisations to balance my chakras. 

6) Yoga. Lots of it. Every morning, whenever I feel stiff, whenever I feel sad, whenever I want to break the fast by diving into a bathtub full of pasta.

7) Be thankful. Talk to God, write lists, focus on what I like about my life (and myself) as much as possible. 

8) Be specific. I'll be making a list of "I am"s and "I have"s - things that I want, as if I already have them. A psychic recently told me to make a big "vision board" - a collage of pictures and words that symbolise all the things I want to happen. This might be harder than it sounds. The biggest hurtle I've given myself in my life is knowing I can have anything I want, but never knowing what that is, exactly. I can see the pros and cons of almost everything equally. Gemini, anyone?

9) Love yourself. My whole body is going to be pampered. Pedicures, facials, daily dry body-brushing, long baths, aerobic exercise, long bush walks to find swimmable rivers, sun baking, sex, guitar playing, fiction writing, literature reading, blogging, laughing, painting, loving.

10) Do one thing every day that scares you. I'm ready to start exercising my bravery muscles. I'm only going to get stronger by working out :) At the moment, this is as simple as emailing people I should have spoken to weeks ago! Maybe by the end of the ten days I'll be jumping from a plane. (Or maybe just emailing more people. There are a lot of people I've been hiding from.)

Wish me luck!
- Tegan xo


Unknown said...

This is so interesting!! many thanks for sharing this....I love your recipes on this blog too....I will be coming back fo rupdates for sure

Anonymous said...

tegan - I am cheering you on!

sanjay said...

You can used on a daily basis as normal end of the day cleanser.it is very useful in our skin.
ultimate cleanse